6 Spotify Search Tips and Tricks


6 Spotify search tips and tricks. Struggling to find songs or artists on Spotify?

Spotify is a popular music streaming service that offers access to millions upon millions of songs, albums, and podcasts.


However, finding the content you want to listen to can sometimes be a challenge.

Spotify has a search feature that lets you find artists, bands, and podcasts easily, but there are some additional Spotify search tips and tricks you might not know about.


6 dicas e truques de pesquisa do Spotify

To help you get started, we'll show you some Spotify search tips and tricks that will let you find the songs, artists, and podcasts that might be eluding you.

1. Use filters on Spotify on mobile

Spotify includes a filter search feature that lets you discover artists, playlists, albums, and songs.

Using filters is simple using the Spotify mobile or desktop app or using the Spotify web client. 6 Spotify Search Tips and Tricks

To use filters on your phone, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Spotify app and tap To search for button at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Start typing your query in the search field at the top of the app.
  3. You can now tap the filter buttons that appear below the search field. Scrolling through the filters will help you discover the right song, playlist, or podcast you're looking for.

2. Use Spotify Desktop Filters on Desktop or Web

The filtering feature works similarly on the desktop and web versions of Spotify. You can use them to narrow down the results and get what you are looking for.

To use filters on Spotify for desktop or web:

  1. To throw Spotify and click on To search for button on the left panel.
  2. Enter your query in the search field.
  3. click on the filter buttons in the search field to narrow the results. You can select Artists, Albums, Songs, Podcasts and Shows and more.

3. Search Lyrics on Spotify

Have you ever had a song in your head where you know the words but not the name of the song or artist? Well, Spotify has a cool search feature that allows you to type lyrics into your search. 6 Spotify Search Tips and Tricks

As you type, it populates songs that contain the exact phrases in the search field and filters.

It can be any lyric or phrase from the song, whether it's an intro, chorus or bridge – type it in and Spotify will do the rest.

Additionally, to help you find the song, you can use the Filters feature shown above to narrow it down.

4. Search Spotify with advanced parameters

Another option for searching Spotify is to use advanced parameters to narrow down a search result. You can use parameters on the desktop, web, and mobile versions of Spotify.

For example, if you know when an album was released, you can type year: 1990-1995 and use the Albums Filter to find the album you want.

You can also use other parameters like genre: blues (or whatever genre you want).

For example, you could type genre: blues and select the Playlist filter to find a good blues playlist.

Another one you might want to use is label: capitol (or label of your choice) for artists and albums from that label.

As an example, we insert Tag:Colombia I am the Artist Filter for a list of artists who have released albums with Capitol Records.

If you know exactly what you're looking for, use quotes around the song title or artist.

For example, you could type "Sledgehammer" to bring out the song of the same name by Peter Gabriel.

Using quotes will only return the words in the quote and not just “sledge” or “hammer”, for example.

For even better results, you can also use AND or No parameters.

5. Ask Spotify to search for you

Another cool but lesser-known feature is Hey Spotify. This is useful when you are on the go and don't have time to type.

Instead, you can ask Spotify to find a song for you.

Once you've given Spotify access to your phone's microphone, you can say things like: “Hey Spotify, play (band or artist name).”

Or, if you want to listen to a podcast, say: “Hey Spotify, play Joe Rogan Experience,” or any podcast you want to listen to.

6. Clear Spotify search history

If you do a lot of searches on your phone with the Spotify app, sometimes the search history starts to get long. In this case, you can clear your search history.

To clear your recent Spotify search history:

  1. Tap To search for icon at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Tap the search field at the top of the screen and your recent searches will appear.
  3. Clear individual searches by tapping x next to the result.
  4. To clear all history, tap Clear recent searches button below recent search history results.

Superior Search on Spotify

Whether you're looking for a specific song, artist, or label or have a song stuck in your head, using these Spotify search tips and tricks above should give you better search results.

If there's an obscure song by an independent artist, you might not find it on Spotify.

Still, using advanced search parameters will give you the best results.

Additionally, there are some well-known bands and artists who refuse to put their music on the service or have removed their content, like Neil Young, for example.

There are more than advanced search tips to get the most out of Spotify.

For example, you may want to learn how to shuffle playlists on Spotify or need to recover a deleted playlist.

Not all playlists are legitimate, so take a look at how to identify fake playlists.

Spotify does a good job most of the time, but it can have issues. For example, you may need to fix Spotify Shuffle not working or learn how to fix it when Spotify keeps stopping unexpectedly.

Eduardo Martini
Eduardo Martini

Especialista em vendas e gestão de tráfego, aplico estratégias eficazes para otimizar o engajamento do público e aumentar a visibilidade dos conteúdos.

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