Mac Delete Key Not Working: 9 Fixes


Mac delete key not working. Are you unable to delete the text? Here are some fixes to try if you're having trouble with your Mac's Delete key not working.

If you're like us, about 30% of your typing time will be spent deleting typos. Mac delete key not working


That poor old Delete key can end up taking a bit of effort. If the Delete key stops working on your Mac, it won't take you long to notice.

If you can't use your delete key, however, what do you do? It depends on whether the problem is hardware or software, but there are some options that can help.


Here are some fixes to try if you're having trouble with your Mac's Delete key not working.

1. Determine if your delete key is working

A tecla de exclusão do Mac não está funcionando: 9 correções

Keyboards can be affected by a range of issues, from non-working keys to ghost keyboards. One of the most important things to find out is whether the Delete key itself is not working, or whether the problem is that it is not being recognized in a specific piece of software.

A simple way to check is to open the on-screen keyboard, which will highlight any key presses that are recognized.

To verify that the Delete key is working using the on-screen keyboard:

  1. click on the Litter icon.
  2. Select System Settings.
  3. In the left menu, scroll down and click Keyboard.
  4. Under Input Sources click To edit.
  5. Toggle the Show input menu in menu bar switch to the on position.
  6. click on the Input menu icon in the menu bar.
  7. Select Show keyboard viewer.
  8. When the keyboard appears on the screen, press the Delete key.
  9. If the key is working correctly, the Delete key in Keyboard Viewer will be highlighted.

This indicates that the problem is with your software. In this case, try updating to the latest version or restarting your Mac.

If the key isn't highlighted, the Delete key isn't recognized by your Mac. If that's the case, try one of the fixes below.

You can click the Keyboard Viewer icon in the menu bar at any time to test if the fix worked.

2. Try restarting – Mac delete key not working

It's a cliché for a reason. Many computer problems can be fixed by simply restarting your computer and resetting what was causing the problem.

Try shutting down your computer and restarting it again. This might be all you need to do to fix Mac Delete key not working issues. Mac delete key not working

3. Check the connection of a wired keyboard

If you're using a USB keyboard with your Mac, the problem could simply be a connection issue.

To check the connection of a wired keyboard:

  1. Disconnect the keyboard from your computer.
  2. Plug it back in.
  3. test the Delete key.
  4. If it still doesn't work, unplug the keyboard again.
  5. Plug it back into a different USB port on your computer.
  6. test the Delete key again.

4. Pair your Bluetooth keyboard again – Mac delete key not working

If you're using a Bluetooth keyboard with your Mac, there may be a connection issue causing your difficulties. Try removing the keyboard and pairing it again to see if that resolves the issue.

To remove and re-pair your Bluetooth keyboard:

  1. click on the bluetooth icon in the menu bar.
  2. Select Bluetooth Settings.
  3. Alternatively, click the Litter icon.
  4. Select System Settings.
  5. Click bluetooth in the menu on the left.
  6. Hover over the keyboard in the list of Devices and click disconnect.
  7. After the keyboard is removed, return it to discoverable mode. For an Apple Bluetooth keyboard, this involves holding down the power button to turn the keyboard off and on again.
  8. When your Mac recognizes the keyboard, click To connect.
  9. Enter the requested code on your Bluetooth keyboard and it will pair again.
  10. Try the Delete key again.

5. Check Slow Key Settings

Another possible cause of your delete key apparently not working is if you have the Slow keys feature activated. Mac delete key not working

This is an accessibility feature that lets you control how long you need to hold down a key before the computer recognizes it.

For people with limited dexterity, setting a longer response time reduces the risk of typing repeated letters.

If you activate this by mistake, however, you may not be holding the button Delete key long enough for it to register.

To disable slow keys on Mac:

  1. click on the Litter icon in the menu bar.
  2. Click System Settings.
  3. Select Accessibility in the menu on the left.
  4. Scroll down and click Keyboard.
  5. Toggle Slow keys off.

6. Delete the PLIST file from the keyboard

Property list (PLIST) files are used in macOS to save settings and preferences. If these settings change for any reason, you can fix the problem by deleting the corresponding PLIST file.

When you restart your Mac, these files will be recreated with their default settings.

To delete keyboard PLIST files on Mac:

  1. Open locator.
  2. On the menu bar, click Go.
  3. Select Go to folder.
  4. Type ~/Library/Preferences and press To type.
  5. Find the following files:
  6. If there is any other PLIST, select them too.
  7. Drag the files to the Trash or right-click and select Move to trash.
  8. Restart your Mac and the files will be recreated with their default settings.
  9. Try yours Delete key again.

7. Reset PRAM – Mac delete key not working

PRAM supports Parameter Random Access Memory and on your Mac, it stores important information like which disk is the startup disk, speaker volume, and more. It's worth trying resetting the PRAM to see if this fixes your problems.

The steps to follow will depend on the type of Mac you are using.

To reset PRAM on Mac: Mac delete key not working

  1. On older Intel Macs, shut down your Mac.
  2. Press the power button and immediately press and hold Cmd+Option+Q+R.
  3. Continue holding for about 30 seconds.
  4. On older Macs, you may hear a startup chime. Continue holding until you hear a second chime.
  5. Release the keys and your Mac should boot normally.
  6. On a Mac with Apple Silicon, the steps above will not work. Instead, shut down your Mac completely, leave it off for at least 30 seconds, and restart it again.
  7. Try yours Delete key again. Mac delete key not working

8. Clean your keyboard – Mac delete key not working

If none of the above fixes work, the problem may be hardware rather than software. A common cause of key failure is when debris gets under your keys.

You can buy cans of compressed air with long nozzles designed to remove this type of debris.

Try it and see if you can remove the cause of the blockage.

9. Delete text without using the Delete key

If none of the above fixes work, your Delete key failed. Nothing lasts forever and your keyboard is no exception.

However, if the rest of the keys are working fine, you may not want to think about buying an entirely new keyboard.

If this is the case, there are several ways to delete text in Mac without using the Delete key.

To delete text without using the Delete key on a Mac:

  • Press Ctrl+H to delete the character before the cursor (replaced by default in Word)
  • Press Ctrl+D to delete the character after the cursor
  • Highlight the text you want to delete, right-click and select Cut
  • Press Ctrl+K delete from cursor to end of line or paragraph

Mac delete key not working

If you're having trouble with your Mac's Delete key not working, we hope one of the fixes above has resolved the issue.

If you find any alternative methods that work for you, please let us know in the comments below.

There are other useful tips to know if you are having problems with your Mac.

If you learn what to do if you can't install macOS or if you're having audio problems with your Mac. You should also check out our guide to troubleshooting the most likely Mac problems.

Eduardo Martini
Eduardo Martini

Especialista em vendas e gestão de tráfego, aplico estratégias eficazes para otimizar o engajamento do público e aumentar a visibilidade dos conteúdos.

Minha expertise em escrita persuasiva e uso de ferramentas de inteligência artificial possibilita a criação de textos que não apenas informam, mas também inspiram e motivam os leitores.

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