Understand more about smartwatches and the new Samsung model that has a solar charging bracelet.
Apple on Thursday released the first beta of Safari 15.1 for macOS Big Sur and macOS Catalina for developers to test.
Despite promises of improvement, Siri has gotten worse with iOS 15 and seems to have forgotten how to handle some basic tasks.
As of now, the Apple Watch is on the list of vintage and obsolete products that Apple maintains as a way of letting users know what the status is in terms of service for its products.
Learn which iPhones and iPads you can quickly charge with Apple's MacBook chargers or similar third-party chargers.
Entenda porque o MacBook Pro 2021 pode obter o modo desempenho de alta potência em um futuro muito próximo.
Learn how to set a custom Safari wallpaper for iPhone in iOS 15.
learn how to personalize your iPhone 13 photos with the new Photo Styles feature.
Aprenda quais são as novidades do novo macOS Monterey.
Find out everything on our Blog! The 2021 iPhone 13 models, news and rumors