How to Fix iPhone Power Button


How to fix an iPhone power button not working? If your iPhone®'s Power button is stuck or broken, it's difficult to do much with your device. The good news: There's usually a simple solution.

Why doesn't your iPhone's Power button work?

There are some common reasons why the Power button is not working. They include:


  • Your phone case is blocking the Power button.
  • The button is damaged or dirty.
  • There is a problem with the software or an app on your device.
  • There is a hardware problem with your iPhone.

Here are some easy ways to fix your power button.

Check and clean the Power button

  1. Remove the case or any protective film to see if it is covering all or part of the button.
  2. Inspect the Power button for damage.
  3. Check for debris or dirt around the button.
  4. Clean it with a microfiber cloth or a cotton swab dipped in a little alcohol.

Restart your iPhone using AssistiveTouch

If the Power button appears clean and undamaged but still doesn't work, software issues may be to blame. With the AssistiveTouch® feature, you can restart the phone —and possibly solve the problem— without using the On/Off button. See how:


  1. Go to settings > Accessibility > Tap the button AssistiveTouch and then tap the switch to turn it on.
  2. A small circle should now appear on the screen. Tap it.
  3. Tap Device > More > Restart. Then confirm that you want to restart your iPhone.
  4. After the phone restarts, check the Power button to see if it is working properly.

Lock your iPhone with AssistiveTouch

If the power button still doesn't work, you may be dealing with a hardware issue and should seek expert iPhone repair. To use your phone in the meantime, you can use AssistiveTouch to lock your device and keep you safe.

  1. With AssistiveTouch turned on, tap the small circle on the screen.
  2. Go to Device > Lock screen.

If you've already tried these steps and still need a little help, we're here. Schedule a repair at Smartech and our certified experts can get your device up and running again the same day.

Eduardo Martini
Eduardo Martini

Especialista em vendas e gestão de tráfego, aplico estratégias eficazes para otimizar o engajamento do público e aumentar a visibilidade dos conteúdos.

Minha expertise em escrita persuasiva e uso de ferramentas de inteligência artificial possibilita a criação de textos que não apenas informam, mas também inspiram e motivam os leitores.

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