How to turn off night mode in iOS 15


Como desligar o modo noturno no IOS 15

How to Turn Off Night Mode in IOS 15. For the most part, Night Mode in the Camera app on modern iPhones is a great feature that can definitely transform photos taken in low light. If the Camera app detects a dark scene, Night Mode turns on automatically, but sometimes you  he wants  that dramatic dark effect, and it's annoying to turn off Night Mode to get it. You must tap the Night Mode indicator and then slide the timer to zero seconds.

If you wait a while before taking another photo, it will automatically reactivate. But maybe you don't want that it turns on again. Maybe you want the Camera app to remember that you've turned off Night Mode. Fortunately, iOS 15 lets you do just that.


How to prevent Night Mode from automatically turning on

With iOS 15, you can access Settings>  Camera  >  Preserve settings  to find an option to keep Night mode settings (among other things). With this enabled, night mode will remember when it was turned off and will not reactivate. If you want to take a photo in Night mode, you can manually tap the Night mode indicator to activate it yourself.

That last part is important! This is not a button to turn off night mode forever, but a button to remember your last night mode setting. With it enabled, your camera app will always use the same amount night mode you selected. If you slide the Night Mode slider all the way up, you'll find that it turns on more easily and uses an even longer shutter speed. If you slide it to Auto (in the middle), it will turn on as it normally does. Just sliding it to Off and leaving the Camera app will never go into Night mode.


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Eduardo Martini
Eduardo Martini

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