How to clear Instagram cache


How to clear Instagram cache? If the Instagram app is having issues, you can help improve performance by clearing the cache. Learn how to clear your Instagram cache in this guide.

Regardless of whether you are using Android or iPhone, apps tend to slow down over time. Your favorite apps may have other issues that affect usability.


Clearing an app's cache can improve its speed and performance. After using Instagram on your phone, your photo cache and history can quickly increase.

Are you having issues with your Instagram app, like slow loading times or crashes? The good news is that you can clear Instagram's cache to improve its functions and save space on your phone. We'll explain how below.


Como limpar o cache do Instagram

How to clear Instagram cache on Android

If you're an Android user, clearing the cache of individual apps is simple, but different from doing it on your iPhone or iPad.
Observation: Every Android device and Android version differs slightly, but these instructions will give you an idea of how to do this.

To clear Instagram cache on Android, follow these steps:

  1. To throw settings.
  2. Scroll through settings and tap applications or Apps and notifications.
  3. Touch Instagram from your list of installed applications.
  4. On the application page, choose the Store option.
  5. On the App's storage screen, select the Clear cache button.

After clearing your Instagram cache, the Clear cache button will turn gray and you will see a Total cache of zero. Restart Instagram and see if it works correctly and is more responsive.

How to clear Instagram cache on iPhone or iPad

There are some iOS apps that allow you to clear cache files, but Instagram is not one of them. The only way to clear Instagram cache on your iPhone is to uninstall and reinstall the app on your device.

Observation: When reinstalling Instagram on iOS, you must log into your account again. However, you will not lose the data stored in your account.

To uninstall Instagram on iPhone or iPad:

  1. Tap and hold the Instagram app on the home page of your iPhone or iPad.
  2. In the pop-up menu, tap Remove app option.
  3. Touch Delete when the notification message appears.
  4. When the verification message appears, tap Delete application from the menu.
  5. Now that the Instagram app has been deleted from your iPhone, reinstall Instagram from the App Store.

How to clear searches on Instagram

In addition to clearing the app's cache, you can clear your searches as a security measure. This works for Android and Apple users.

To clear your past searches on Instagram:

  1. Launch the Instagram application.
  2. Tap Profile icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  3. Then tap the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) in the upper right corner.
  4. In settingstap your activity option.
  5. Scroll down the your activity page and select the Recent researches option.
  6. Not now Recent researches page, you can delete individual searches by clicking the x next to the search query. Or you can eliminate them all at once by clicking the button Clean all button in the top right corner.

Get more from Instagram

If the Instagram app on your phone isn't working properly or is slow, you can clear your Instagram cache to help improve performance. Whether on Android or iPhone, use the steps above to clear the app cache.

Therefore Instagram has several features and some features that you may not be using. For example, you can unsend a message if you have questions or add pronouns on Instagram. Additionally, if you are tired of a specific user, you can mute someone on Instagram or disconnect contacts from the app.

However, if you don't want people to know how popular a post is on Instagram, you can hide likes on Instagram, and if you're going to change things up, change the notification sound.

So Speaking of sound, Instagram allows you to add music to posts. However, if it's not working, learn how to fix Instagram music not working below.

Eduardo Martini
Eduardo Martini

Especialista em vendas e gestão de tráfego, aplico estratégias eficazes para otimizar o engajamento do público e aumentar a visibilidade dos conteúdos.

Minha expertise em escrita persuasiva e uso de ferramentas de inteligência artificial possibilita a criação de textos que não apenas informam, mas também inspiram e motivam os leitores.

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