Apple Watch first edition is now considered vintage


Apple Watch primeira edição agora é considerado vintage

The first Apple Watch he was; launched in 2015 and was considered vintage, the beginning of a line of products that gained momentum, literally saving lives. 

But all good things come to an end and Apple has now marked the Apple Watch Series 0 as vintage.


As of now, the Apple Watch is on the list of vintage and obsolete products that Apple maintains as a way of letting users know what the status is in terms of service for its products. 

He went too; accompanied by 2015 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Pro notebooks.


As a reminder, vintage products are described like this:

The products are; considered vintage when Apple stopped distributing them for sale more than 5 and less than 7 years ago.

This means the Apple Watch will be; eventually added to the obsolete list, which Apple describes like this:

The products are; considered obsolete when Apple stopped distributing them for sale more than 7 years ago. Monster brand products are; considered obsolete, regardless of when they were; purchased.

Apple discontinues all hardware services for obsolete products, with the sole exception of Mac notebook computers that are eligible for an additional battery-only repair period. 

However, service providers cannot order parts for obsolete products.

All of this means that Apple Watches can no longer be repaired at Apple Stores or their service partners unless required by law in specific locations.

This all comes as Apple prepares to launch the Apple Watch Series 7, a launch that will be the best Apple Watch the company has ever made. None of this would have been possible without the first Apple Watch, a wearable that I still have in a drawer.

Finally, come to think of it, I also have one of those 2015 MacBook Pro notebooks!

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Eduardo Martini
Eduardo Martini

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