PIS/ Pasep 2022 – Find out more


PIS/ Pasep 2022 - Saiba mais

However PIS/Pasep is deferring its payments until 2021; leaving payments for 2022. Now, workers are waiting for payments to be released in January.

Codefat (Worker Support Fund Review Committee), the body responsible for administering the employee's salary bonus, PIS/Pasep; confirmed that the benefit payment schedule will be; released soon. Some of the rules for the new round of salary bonuses were; changed.


Therefore, according to Codefat, payments will be made between January and December 2022, which will change normal practice until 2020; where payments begin in the second half of the year and end in the first half of the year Following.

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PIS/ Pasep 2022

However, it is understood that this year, workers will receive their salaries in the month of their birthday.

However, they are entitled to the salary bonus PIS/Pasep people who carried out any paid activity for more than 30 days in the last year; have a formal contract and have received a minimum wage of up to twice a month (approximately R$ 2,200). , which should be at the end of the year Pay from time to time. moon. Only those who have been registered with PIS/Pasep for at least five years are entitled to this money.

Finally, it is worth remembering that there will be no salary bonus; issued in 2021, so it is possible that workers will receive double wages; relating to the years-base 2020 and 2021.

Payment Calendar 2022

PIS/ Pasep 2022 - Saiba mais
Eduardo Martini
Eduardo Martini

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