How much do single families cost


Del Monte's new pineapple weighs just 1.5 pounds.

It's a small fruit that has a big message.


Single families

Even for a family of four, a whole pineapple can take days to consume. As a result, those of us who live alone may not buy it.

Until now.


Called Honeyglow, Del Monte developed a pineapple for a bachelor family.

They know that many of us live alone. According to the US Census, between 1940 and 2022, the proportion of single households increased almost fourfold, from 7.7% to 27.6%:

famílias solteiras


Using South Carolina as a prototype, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology compared estimated spending for one- and two-person households. The bottom line was that one is not half of two. For many of the following needs, one-person households spent more than half as much as their two-person counterparts:

gastos domésticos

Our Bottom Line: Singles Demographics

Whether you are young or old, you are more likely to be single. However, men are more likely to be single early in life, while women tend to be single when they get older. Pew Research tells us that 51% of men under thirty are single. As for women aged 65 and over, 49% are single:

família de solteiros

Meanwhile, Our World in Data showed us who lives alone among the single people cited by Pew. And yes, it's the younger and older demographic:

famílias solteiras

Returning to where we started, we checked the price of a mini Honeyglow Del Monte pineapple. While Walmart sold regular pineapples for US$3.48 each, the mini-Honeyglow was priced at US$4.49 at Fresh Direct (not sold at Walmart).

My sources and more: Thanks to Slate money Emily Peck for alerting me to the new pineapple. It was also time to get back to singles. Next, Del Monte described his tiny pineapple. The perfect complement, Pew Research had the singles facts, as did CNBC.

Eduardo Martini
Eduardo Martini

Especialista em vendas e gestão de tráfego, aplico estratégias eficazes para otimizar o engajamento do público e aumentar a visibilidade dos conteúdos.

Minha expertise em escrita persuasiva e uso de ferramentas de inteligência artificial possibilita a criação de textos que não apenas informam, mas também inspiram e motivam os leitores.

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